Breast augmentation surgery of this kind aims to increase the size of the breasts. This typically involves breast implants.
Breast implants are flexible envelopes filled with a cohesive silicone gel. When implanted into the gland or muscle, the implants increase the size of the breast to give the desired appearance. Breast implants are available in many different shapes and sizes.
Round breast implants offer more volume on the upper part of the breast. These are best suited to women that have breasts that are already slightly formed.
Anatomical breast implants have the shape of a half-pear and offer a softer contour on the bust line. They give a more natural appearance by providing an incline between the top of the breast and the chest. This is particularly important for very slim patients.
During the consultation you and your plastic surgeon will select the breast implants that best suit your size and figure.
There are four techniques for inserting breast implants:
Around the areola (this involves a discreet 3-4cm incision placed on the edge of the area around the nipple)
Through the areola (trans-areolar).
The fold method (in the fold underneath the breast).
The auxiliary method (through an incision made in the hollow of the armpit).
Breast implants are most commonly inserted behind the muscle (retro-muscular insertion)
There must be sufficient glandular tissue and elasticity of the skin to cover the implant on both sides of the breast. This helps to ensure that the edges of the implant are as discreet as possible.
The procedure typically requires the patient to be under general anesthesia.
Having breast implants should not preclude breastfeeding as the mammary glands and their pathways are almost always preserved. However, it is strongly advised that patients wait six months following the procedure before becoming pregnant.